Here's Why You Should be Drinking Plenty of Water during the Corona virus Lockdown
Now-a-days we are sitting in our homes surrounded by snacks eating all the day. Sugar intake will be large these days to manage the effects of that sugar, there is an important habit we should adopt is: “Drinking plenty of water”. Especially under our current circumstances drinking water is a must. As we know that excess intake of sugar leads to disorders like obesity, diabetes , heart disease and inflammation. Water is vital for our health, for example flies will be fed by more sugar diet which increases metabolic diseases and they would die. But if flies are fed a high-sugar diet and by providing them an extra source of water to drink, surprisingly they did not show a reduced lifespan. In humans and flies the uric acid is the waste product and the breakdown of compounds called purines. Purines are the building blocks in DNA of all plants and animals. The purine breakdown in the blood is a sign of health troubles like heart diseases, and even stones formation in the kidneys. ...